
What Are the Five Phases of Addiction Recovery?

The five stages of addiction recovery are as follows:

  1. The Precontemplation Stage

This stage marks the beginning journey to your recovery from addiction. While it is not a perfect indicator that you may be fully ready to partake in a treatment program, this stage involves defensiveness and justification for your behavior despite knowing the negative consequences of substance abuse. Many people can feel trapped while in this first stage from feelings of failure or attempts to recover in the past.

  1. The Contemplation Stage

The contemplation stage involves readiness and a willingness to achieve full recovery from your addiction someday. The key moment during this stage is that you understand the benefits, possibilities, and positive impact of achieving recovery and becoming drug-free.

  1. The Preparation Stage

In the preparation stage, you have begun to realize you want to make a change that can begin to lead you towards recovery. These steps may include researching treatment options, seeking support from family, healthcare professionals, support groups. Begin to identify triggers to use opioids and attempt to stop seeking drugs. It is common in this stage to bounce between stages 1 and 2.

  1. The Action Stage

During the action stage, you have chosen to make changes and begin your recovery process. For people using opioids daily this may be entering detox treatment. This stage is marked by the knowledge that you can turn to medical professionals for help managing triggers or relapses. This period may come with a lot of trial and error, but overall, you begin to exhibit an understanding of continuing your recovery.

  1. Maintenance Stage

During the maintenance stage of change it’s all about maintaining your progress that resulted in you taking action. During this stage you are continuing to practice new behaviors and coping skills learned during therapy and counseling sessions, support groups, peer supports. The maintenance stage can present new challenges as you navigate life without the use of substances. Continued participation in AMATA’s Maintenance Treatment program can be a beneficial way to maintain abstinence and continue your process of recovery.

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