Addiction Counseling & Behavioral Treatment Services in Corona

Therapy Services

Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment: Comprehensive Patient Centered Medical Evaluation and Medication Management.

Individual Psychotherapy: One-on-One therapy session with a licensed therapist, social worker, or psychologist. Assists patients in identifying difficulties coping with daily stressors, impact of trauma, grief and loss, depression, anxiety, cooccurring disorders, relationships, and mental health symptoms.

Types of Individual Psychotherapy

Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)-Assists patients in understanding underlying interpersonal issues such as substance abuse, unresolved grief and loss, family, financial, occupational, or academic stressors, relationship conflicts. IPT can assist patients learn ways to improve healthy communication, setting healthy boundaries, express emotions, reduce depression and anxiety

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)- Assists patients in identifying and changing behavioral and thinking patterns. Replacing harmful negative thoughts and ineffective behaviors with more accurate and functional thoughts and problem-solving skills. CBT often involves learning and practicing new skills helpful in treating a variety of disorders including substance abuse, depression, anxiety, trauma, and related eating disorders.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)- Assists patients with emotional regulation. DBT is often used to treat patients with chronic suicidial thoughts. DBT is effective in treating patients with borderline personality disorder, trauma, PTSD, and related eating disorders. DBT involves both individual and group therapies teaching patients skills in taking personal responsibility, changing unhealthy disruptive behaviors.

Family Supportive Therapy- Uses guidelines to help patients develop communication skills, process anger, develop healthy boundaries.  Assist in building self-esteem, reduce anxiety and depression, increase coping mechanisms, and improve social functioning.

Group Therapy- Group therapy sessions are based on peer support during patients’ recovery journey. Group sessions may include conversations, exercises and educational information related to substance abuse. Topics may include identifying triggers, risk of relapse, managing daily stressors, coping with relationship challenges, processing anger, trauma. Group therapy provides peer support to one another by sharing experiences, challenges, insight, advise and encouragement during the recovery journey.

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