What Is Medically-Assisted Addiction Treatment?

medically-assisted-addiction-treatment At AMATA, we specialize in FDA-approved medically assisted addiction treatment. Our approach helps patients ease withdrawal symptoms, provide one-on-one support, and promote long-lasting recovery.

In the face of America’s opioid epidemic, finding the right treatment is vital to a lifelong recovery. Through talk therapy, patients often learn to overcome struggles related to the mental causes and effects of their substance abuse. However, addiction is a full-body experience, and patients often need greater support.

Finding Relief During Detox

One of the greatest barriers to getting help for an addiction is fear of detox. Many patients who have had to go without drugs in the past experienced painful symptoms they never want to face again. Medication can help you avoid these side effects during your recovery.

Your expert medical team will provide emotional and physical support during your detox in Corona, CA. Prescription medications can make the physical side effects of withdrawal more bearable; as the body begins to rid itself of substances, the medication can act as a substitute — this prevents the painful and debilitating symptoms of withdrawal while helping the body safely detox.

Short-Term Support for Long-Term Recovery

Many patients considering addiction therapy are hesitant to try medication for fear they will become addicted to those as well. Rest assured that in a program like ours, you do not have to worry about the risk of another addiction.

Medical addiction specialists and counselors are always supervising treatment. Patients are given short-term medication to help them overcome challenges and focus on their recovery.

The medications we prescribe are all clinically tested and approved by the Food and Drug Administration. In addition to withdrawal medications, patients may also be prescribed medication to manage mental health disorders.

For those with a dual diagnosis, which is having a mental illness and substance abuse problem at once, medication can provide much-needed balance to support recovery.

Learn More Today

If you are interested in medically assisted addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, we are here to help. Please contact AMATA in Corona, CA, at (888) 682-6282, or message us online.

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